
Saclay group MinitreeFitter: make workspace and dataset for Hgg analysis


replace username in the following by your actual git user name

  1. Fork MinitreeFitter in (icon in the top right of the web page)
  2. Go to a lxplus machine (SLC6 but SLC5 should work just as good)
  3. Download MinitreeFitter:
    • git clone MiniTreeFitter
    • cd MiniTreeFitter
    • source etc/scripts/
    • make -j 4
  4. add your remote fork working directory
  5. some help
    • MiniTreeFitter --help


git is managing everything locally, once you are happy with a snapshot of your work, push it to github so others can use it

  1. committing (you have to add file to commit list of changes)
    • git add /// files or dirs that have been changed and that you want to commit
    • git commit -m "message" /// commit what was added
    • git status /// check the status of the snapshot
    • git remote -v /// gets the info of the remote github dir, useful to get the ALIAS of these directories /// (the first name is probably origin, second one is probably minitreeFork)
    • git push ALIAS BRANCH (to push your snapshot, BRANCH probably master)
  2. fetching from remote dir or pull (pull will fetch from remote and merge in your local git):
    • git fetch ALIAS BRANCH
    • git pull ALIAS BRANCH
  3. ask for a pull request:
    • git push origin master
    • ask for pull request on the web

Working example

always do setup before anything

  • source etc/scripts/
  • MiniTreeFitter -d /afs/