
Telegram: how to insert newlines in <text_to_post> ???

michaelhjulskov opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there
Thank You for this code
I am trying to figure out how to insert newlines in the <text_to_post> string ????
Please help me,Thanks

{% post_to_telegram "See thiis interesting conversation? NEWLINE NEWLINE {{conversation.title}} NEWLINE NEWLINE {{conversation.text}}" request.path "Telegram" "telegram-link social-links" %}

Hi @michaelhjulskov ,

Assuming your template is HTML, you could use <br/>:

{% post_to_telegram "See this interesting conversation? <br/><br/> {{conversation.title}} <br/> <br/> {{conversation.text}}" request.path "Telegram" "telegram-link social-links" %}