
Firefox/Chrome Crashing all the time

soliddash opened this issue · 2 comments

Been experiencing this since using your docker image. Finally found a fix its because the default /dev/shm size is 64mb (df -H /dev/shm to check size).

The fix is to add -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm so it maps docker host memory across. Or you can add a specific amount of memory using --shm-size 2g for example. Would be great to get an environmental variable or fix included/update documentation to reflect.

Full info on fix on https://hub.docker.com/r/jlesage/firefox#increasing-shared-memory-size

fcwu commented

Thanks. Update README.md.

Subject: Issue with Sound Configuration in Docker Container on Google Cloud


I'm currently experiencing issues configuring sound within a Docker container on Google Cloud. I'm attempting to run a containerized environment with sound capabilities using the snd-aloop kernel module but encountering difficulties.

Here are the steps I've taken:

Installed snd-aloop kernel module on the Google Cloud virtual machine instance.
Ran the Docker container using the following command:

=>docker run -it --rm --privileged -p 6080:80 -e ALSADEV=hw:2,0 dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc.
Tried to access /dev/snd directory within the container, but it appears to be missing.
However, despite specifying the necessary configurations, I keep getting errors related to /dev/snd not being available within the Docker container. I'm trying to use sound in the container for [mention the specific use case, e.g., multimedia applications, video playback, etc.].

Could you please provide guidance on:

How to properly configure sound within a Docker container on Google Cloud using snd-aloop or any alternate methods?
Any specific Google Cloud configurations or permissions needed to access sound devices from within the container?
Whether there are known limitations or constraints regarding sound support in Docker containers on Google Cloud?
Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!