
commitBatch, commitBatchOption methods missing

Matzz opened this issue · 1 comments

Matzz commented

Consumer documentation mention commitBatch, commitBatchOption. However, they do not exist in the code: https://github.com/fd4s/fs2-kafka/search?q=commitBatchOption

I wanted to use commitBatch which suppose use underlying chunks. My stream is already chunked because I try to commit offsets already grouped for producer:

val run = {
    val producerSettings: fs2.kafka.ProducerSettings[cats.effect.IO, String, String] = ???
    val consumerSettings: fs2.kafka.ConsumerSettings[cats.effect.IO, String, String] = ???
      .flatMap { producer =>
          .map { committable =>
            val key = committable.record.key
            val value = committable.record.value
            val record = ProducerRecord("topic", key, value)
            ProducerRecords.one(record, committable.offset)
          .groupWithin(500, 15.seconds)
          .evalMap { chunk =>
            val offsetsChunk: fs2.Chunk[CommittableOffset[effect.IO]] = chunk.map(_.passthrough)
            ??? // What to put here.

In general I don't see real example in docs for using passthrough of producer to commit consumed offsets.


Those methods were removed in an earlier version, the PR above updated the documentation to reflect that, this ticket can probably be closed.