
Decide what to do when there are multiple types with the same name

fdiaz opened this issue ยท 3 comments

fdiaz commented

What should the tool return in general when there is a non top-level type?

final class Some {

struct Another {
  struct Some { }

Should SwiftInspector always return the Another.Some when looking for "Some" or only the top-level declaration?

@fdiaz let's say we just have one type but it has multiple initializers. We print the parameters for each initializer on a new line right?

For the type location command, what I'm doing is printing the location of each type I find on a new line. But that's easier I think since each type only has a single line of output. If I'm understanding this command correctly each type may have multiple lines of output.

Throwing out a strawman... what if we separated each distinct type by two newlines.

final class Some {
  convenience init(myParam: Int) { /* ... */ }
  init(oneParam: Int, myParam: Int) { /* ... */ }

struct Another {
  struct Some {
    init(anotherParam: String) { /* ... */ }

So this file could print out the following if you searched for Some.

Int, Int

dfed commented

In NestableTypeInfo I defined a type as having a both a name: String and a parentType: TypeDescription?, which helps disambiguate. I'd move to NestableTypeInfo as the standard for nestable types and close out this issue as resolved ๐Ÿ™‚

fdiaz commented

That could def help. This is indeed fixed at the Visitor level but not at the Commands level.