
An Inversion of Control (IOC) container for TypeScript with support for arrays, factories, child-containers/unit-of-work and resource cleanup.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


EyeOhSee is an IOC framework. It uses TypeScript attributes and metadata to perform constructor injection.



  • Constructor injection
  • Registration of transient dependencies - @InstancePerDependency()
  • Registration of singleton dependencies - @SingleInstance()
  • Registration of implementations for abstract services - @InstancePerDependency(BaseClass) and @SingleInstance(BaseClass)
  • Registration of a single implementation for multiple services - @SingleInstance(BaseClassA, BaseClassB) and @InstancePerDependency(BaseClassA, BaseClassB)
  • Array injection - @ArrayOf(BaseClass)
  • Factory injection - @Factory(ReturnType)
  • Parameterized factory injection - @Factory(ParamTypeA, ParamTypeB, ReturnType)
  • Automatic disposal of resolved instances - @Disposable() and @Disposable(instance => instance.disposeMethod()
  • Child-containers/unit-of-work injection - @UnitOfWork(OwnedType)
  • Parameterized child-container/unit-of-work factories - @UnitOfWork(ParamTypeA, ParamTypeB, OwnedType)
  • Automatic disposal of container descendants
  • Ability to override attribute registration for testing using container API

Road map

  • Registration of singleton-in-scope - @InstancePerScope("MyScopeName")

Code snippets

Registering a singleton

// This will only be constructed once
class MySingleton { ... }

Registering a singleton that is resolved as its base class

// This is what consumers resolve
class MyBaseClass { ... }

// This is the implementation
class MySingleton extends MyBaseClass { ... }

Registering a singleton that can be resolved as multiple interfaces

// This is one of the interfaces that consumers resolve
class MyBaseClassA { ... }

// This is another of the interfaces that consumers resolve
class MyBaseClassB { ... }

// This is the implementation
@SingleInstance(MyBaseClassA, MyBaseClassB)
class MySingleton implements MyBaseClassA, MyBaseClassB { ... }

Registering a transient

// This will be constructed for each dependency
class MyTransient { ... }

Registering a transient that is resolved as its base class

// This is what consumers resolve
class MyBaseClass { ... }

// This is the implementation
class MyTransient extends MyBaseClass { ... }

Registering a transient that can be resolved as multiple interfaces

// This is one of the interfaces that consumers resolve
class MyBaseClassA { ... }

// This is another of the interfaces that consumers resolve
class MyBaseClassB { ... }

// This is the implementation
@InstancePerDependency(MyBaseClassA, MyBaseClassB)
class MyTransient implements MyBaseClassA, MyBaseClassB { ... }

Array injection

// This is the service interface
class MyBaseClass { ... }

// This is one implementation
class MyFirstImpl { ... }

// This is another implementation
// Notice that you can mix resolution strategies of implementations
class MySecondImpl { ... }

// This is the consumer
class MyConsumer {
  constructor(@ArrayOf(MyBaseClass) myThings: MyBaseClass[]) { ... }

Simple factory injection

// The service
class MyService { ... }

// The consumer
class MyConsumer {
  constructor(@Factory(MyService) private factory: () => MyService) { ... }


  public later() {
    const myServiceInstance = this.factory();

Factory injection with parameters / "robot legs"

class ToeDirection {
  public static BigToeOnRight = new ToeDirection();
  public static BigToeOnLeft = new ToeDirection();

// A foot has a toe direction
class Foot {
  constructor(toeDirection: ToeDirection) { ... }

// A leg has a foot
class Leg {
  constructor(foot: Foot) { ... }

// A robot has two legs
class Robot {
  private leftLeg: Leg;
  private rightLeg: Leg;

  // Factory attributes can take multiple parameters but here we only use one
  constructor(@Factory(ToeDirection, Leg) legFactory: (toeDirection: ToeDirection) => Leg) {

    // We construct each leg specifying how ToeDirection should be resolved by descendants

    this.leftLeg = legFactory(ToeDirection.BigToeOnRight);
    this.rightLeg = legFactory(ToeDirection.BigToeOnLeft);


Automatic disposal

// It calls the disposal method when the container it was resolved from is disposed
// It defaults to calling a method called "dispose"
class MyFirstResource {
  dispose() {
    // Clean up stuff here

// We can override the method it calls when the container is disposed
@Disposable(instance => instance.cleanUp())
class MyFirstResource {
  cleanUp() {
    // Clean up stuff here

Child containers / unit of work

// Service used inside unit of work
class MyService {
  dispose() { ... }

// Business aspect with some lifetime that is shorter than that of the application
class MyRequest {
  constructor(service: MyService)

// The application that handles the lifetimes of those business aspects
class MyApplication {
  constructor(@UnitOfWork(MyRequest) private requestFactory: () => IUnitOfWork<MyRequest>) { ... }
  onStartRequest(id) {
    this.requests[id] = this.requestFactory();

  onFinishRequest(id) {
    // Disposes the resolved instance of MyService for the given request

Parameterized child containers / unit of work

// Service used inside unit of work
class MyService {
  // Accepts some configuration
  constructor(config: Config) { ... }
  dispose() { ... }

// Business aspect with some lifetime that is shorter than that of the application
class MyRequest {
  constructor(service: MyService)

// The application that handles the lifetimes of those business aspects
class MyApplication {
  constructor(@UnitOfWork(Config, MyRequest) private requestFactory: (config: Config) => IUnitOfWork<MyRequest>) { ... }
  onStartRequest(id) {
    // unit of work created with parameter that will be resolved by MyService instance
    this.requests[id] = this.requestFactory(this.config);

  onFinishRequest(id) {
    // Disposes the resolved instance of MyService for the given request