
AttributeError: can't set attribute ???

wangxiao5791509 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, when I run the code, I meet the following errors:
"AttributeError: can't set attribute". and I checked the code of data pre-process script:

trainset_new.train_data = train_data_sub.clone()
trainset_new.train_labels = train_labels_sub.clone()

but in the "sub.py" file, the class "subMNIST" do not define this attribute, how do you run the code successfully?

hi,have you solve this problem?


I get the same problem. How do you solve this?

I get the reason.
@Property is viewed as the private Attributes. So, it can't be assigned values in code by an explicit way, like A.data=1. So it raised the wrong, AttributeError: can't set attribute.

same problem.

Use this instead:

trainset_new.data = train_data_sub.clone()
trainset_new.targets = train_labels_sub.clone()

The properties @SadAngelF mentions only returns the data/targets anyways - they're basically deprecated:

def train_data(self):
    warnings.warn("train_data has been renamed data")
    return self.data

def train_labels(self):
    warnings.warn("train_labels has been renamed targets")
    return self.targets

Meanwhile, self.data and self.targets are not properties, and can be edited as mentioned above.