
Mal formed ts code

grbspltt opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

feathers-plus/cli to 0.8.2
Using node 8.15.0 64 bit
NPM 6.8.0
I did not install sequelize from the CLI.
The exact commands I ran from this latest test after upgrading
feathers-plus generate options
TypeScript - Y
Semicolons - Y
Module Changes - N
feathers-plus generate app
** select default options **
feathers-plus generate authentication
Username & Password
SQL Server
I added the JSON schema and ran
feathers-plus generate all

Expected behavior

sequelize-mssql.ts should have properly formed code.
Line 47 export default function (app: App) {…

Line 72 app.setup = function (...args: any[]) {

Actual behavior

Missing open parenthesis before app: :
export default function app: App) {…

Extra opening curly bracket after function ()
app.setup = function (...args: any[]) {{

Found the errors here:

System configuration

Tell us about the applicable parts of your setup.

Module versions (especially the part that's not working):

NodeJS version:
8.15.0 64 bit
Operating System:
WIndows 10
Browser Version:

React Native Version:

Module Loader:

Resolved by #225

Published as cli+ 0.8.3 which runs generator v0.8.3