
Invalid Data Received After Implementation

joegrenan opened this issue · 4 comments

Steps to reproduce

  • Received error: Invalid Data {"type":"FeathersError","name":"BadRequest","code":400,"className":"bad-request","errors":{},"hook":{"type":"before","method":"create","path":"users","params":{},"data":{"email":"testing@example.com","password":"$2a$10$CtTO9UNaUVGFbgDYKncute.ZVtgPydSW6bOISeOoWjXdeIn9oBILa","name":"Testing","isVerified":false,"verifyExpires":1630680795297,"verifyToken":"1168d3e57d7eca580e7df29bea9577","verifyShortToken":"172955","verifyChanges":{}}}}
  • Did not use feathers generator for this application
  • Here's a gist of the model, although there isn't much of a schema.

Expected behavior

Tell us what should happen
Shouldn't give Invalid Data error, as Postgres database fields match the fields the API expects.

Actual behavior

Tell us what happens instead
On user create via the users service, an error is returned so long as feathers-authenticaion-management is enabled. If I remove the verifyHooks.addVerification, user creation works fine again.

System configuration

Tell us about the applicable parts of your setup.

Module versions (especially the part that's not working):
"feathers-authentication-management": "^3.1.0",
"@feathersjs/authentication": "^4.5.11",
"@feathersjs/authentication-local": "^4.5.11",
"@feathersjs/feathers": "^4.5.11",

NodeJS version:
14, latest stable

Operating System:
Mac OS Big Sur

My guess is this could very well have to do with the Postgres column types, and in this case the timestamp type which is timestamp without timezone

Aha, after browsing through source code, you don't convert the Date() .toISOString(), which renders it incompatible for certain databases unless a workaround is done at the model level. However, if I update my application to modify verifyExpires and convert it toISOString(), will the rest of the package still work correctly?

As feathers is database agnostic the usual way to proceed is to use plain JS data types (eg Date Object or Number) then convert them with a hook if required for a specific database adapter. Typically verifyExpires is a number of milliseconds (UNIX EPOCH), so a simple number, and the module expects this to perform some computation (eg here). Converting it using .toISOString() will make it a string, which is not really explicit regarding a timestamp and will require to update the code at others places. I'm not a user of the PG adapter but it seems to me a bit surprising that it cannot natively handle a number. Maybe you have to declare it upfront in the model ? Maybe this can help.

Hooks were a thought, but performing the conversion in Objection's model (not via the PG adapter) before creation and after updates works fine instead. The thing I like about doing it this way, is my dates in the database are all consistent types. It's a small amount of overhead for a better design long term I think.