
Clarification of 236 response

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi @rvowles

I think this question is unrelated to how SDK implemented but worth checking.

When implementing polling, I notice response status is always 236 which implies stale environment as documented in https://docs.featurehub.io/featurehub/latest/sdks-development.html. The polling task get cancelled as the result. I tried to poll again few times eg config.new_context.build.feature("FLAG") but it still returns 236 regardless.

Any ideas why?


Only SaaS should send this result, and only when you exceed your specified usage limit (its in the system config), are you using Saas?

Ah! Gotcha. Yes I am using Saas version. So I just need to update threshold number in billing page then :). I guess the total API requests will be reset at the end of billing cycle?

Yep - thats exactly right. You can set the limit to zero which is unlimited if you like.

Awesome, thanks for your super quick response 💯