
Conduct usability testing on ZZ codes

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@JonellaCulmer commented on Tue Oct 16 2018

What we're after: To gauge the usefulness and usability of some of our features and filters, we need to conduct user testing. In addition to testing new features, this test includes a continuation of testing from the previous sprint - specifically the processed/raw toggle. We need additional testing on this to verify our conclusions.

We need to test for the following things:

ZZ codes

Pages involved in test:

  • All receipts and individual contributions data tables

Questions to answer:

  • Are users able to conduct a search for places not technically listed as states, such as bases?
  • Can users conduct a search for contributors living in foreign countries?

Completion criteria:

  • Finalize script
  • Contact users for testing
  • Provide press with tweet for additional testers
  • Prep: Update relevant testing documents
  • Put out a call for volunteer notetakers
  • Conduct testing
  • Synthesize testing
  • Build summary presentation
  • Demo in design sync or sprint demo

@JonellaCulmer commented on Wed Oct 24 2018

We have been unable to get a decent number of testers this sprint to complete this testing. Recommend moving this work to the backlog for future work when we're not as near to reporting deadlines, elections, and possibly holidays.

@AmyKort commented on Fri Dec 14 2018

@JonellaCulmer Can we pare this down at all based on your great work at #119 ?

@JonellaCulmer commented on Fri Dec 14 2018

@AmyKort Yes, I believe so. I got four testers to look at the homepage banner in addition to the other test previously completed on the banner. Still need to test more on the other three items.

@JonellaCulmer commented on Fri Jun 21 2019

Attempting to test the Processed vs. Raw stuff as part of this work here: #120