Error during frida-compile, potentially caused by compilation errors. Aborting.
2028383846 opened this issue · 1 comments
2028383846 commented
Error reported when clicking compile:
'"node"' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。 Error during frida-compile, potentially caused by compilation errors. Aborting. If exception details are not returned, try to run frida-compile manually. frida-compile command: "D:\pentest\brida123\node_modules.bin\frida-compile.cmd" -x -o "D:\pentest\brida123\bridaGeneratedCompiledOutput.js" "D:\pentest\brida123\brida.js"
There may be some issues with using the @ 10 version, as it still reports "node is an internal or external command, not a runnable program or batch file." However, switching back to the @ 9 version and manually copying the error command to execute from the command prompt is not a problem
2028383846 commented