
Old versions missing

RedSteel-1 opened this issue · 6 comments

I've been trying to find the last pre-5.0.0 version of the program, however it turned out to be impossible.
Releases contain only 5.0.0+ versions, and websearching didn't help.

Where can I get the last pre-5.0.0 version?
Would be really great to find it finally, and have a download link.

(Additional request: please either make the releases collection complete, or make an archive where all versions can be available)

Hi, there's really no way to get them back.

Until few time ago I used to keep an archive on a cloud drive (it was originally used to self update the app without play store) but later I switched to GitHub releases.

Given that there 5.x versions started since the fast 2015 I'm also asking why you need older versions.

Oh, ok.
Can I ask you to upload the last pre-5.0.0 version to some drive/upload service then?
Would be awesome :-)

Sadly I don't keep binaries for all the versions, I'm sorry.

Which would be the purpose, anyway?

I found out a reeeeally old 4.7.2 binary and created a "new" release for it here. I hope this suits your needs!

Thank you very much! :-)
The purpose - to compare the program and especially its design to the today's, and possibly stick to the older version (if I'm not mistaken, v5.0.0 brought the material "design" if I can call it so, which I really hate)

The more evident graphical upgrade will come with version 7.
Avoiding upgrading you will use not only the previous UI overhaul but also all the other benefits in terms of features and fixes: this makes the usage of this app useless for you, in my opinion.


