
Add context menu option to open selected text in Omni Notes in Android.

rahulpower2012 opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature | Adding a context menu option to the existing options when some text is selected in android. Following are the screenshots of the flow.

  1. User selects some text.
  2. Under the context menu an option to open the text in the Omni Notes app will appear.
  3. When the user selects the option the text is opened as a new note in the app.
  4. The title will be empty and should be added by the user.




I need this small feature so I have worked on it. I would like it to be part of the official release. I will raise a PR shortly. @federicoiosue

@federicoiosue I have raised a PR. Please review and let me know #935

Closed and released within the alpha version of the app on play store