
Bug Report: Uncategorized Category in Navigation Not Disappearing When Empty

Closed this issue · 1 comments


The "Uncategorized" category does not disappear from the navigation menu even when there are no notes within it.
It seems a regression bug that has been reported #401

Reproduce steps:

  1. Open dynamic menu and uncategorized navigation
  2. Create a note without category
  3. See this note appears in the Uncategorized menu. If I add a category to this note, then the Uncategorized menu would disappear in the navigation. Fine.
  4. Delete the note and empty the trash.
  5. See the error: Uncategorized menu still in the navigation.
  6. Kill and restart the app, then the uncategorized menu would disappear.

Expected behavior:

The "Uncategorized" category should automatically disappear from the navigation menu when it contains no notes.

Bug video:



Omninotes Version: 6.3.0.Alpha

Thanks for your fix!