
Organize this repo somehow

praiskup opened this issue · 2 comments

  • it would be nice to have team ideas/brainstorming dumped somewhere, note there's the abandoned ./doc/brainstorming.rst in main repo
  • organizing research, something like Packit has
  • the bigger features before being implemented, this is how CKI team is doing this

organizing research, something like Packit has

Sounds good.
Also, we need to decide whether to push freely into the repository or if we want to do pull requests.


FTR link here https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/brainstorming.html

We need to ditch this. It is a list of RFEs, therefore it collides with our pagure issues and it lacks many features (it's way harder to use, so nobody from the community will use it, there is no comment section, and the page needs to be manually rebuilt after every change). And the same time it is much worse for complicated proposals or RFEs than this repository or pagure issues because it's a single page.

It is from the time when we used cgit and there wasn't a better alternative for research documents.

I personally prefer doing it similarly as packit does it. The other option sounds too complicated (writing some web content to it and maintain it).

Also, we need to decide whether to push freely into the repository or if we want to do pull requests.

PRs sounds like a good idea when we want to discuss something in the research. If the researcher decides that there is no need for discussion he/she can push to the repo directly. So I would leave this decision (whether PR or push directly) to the person doing the research.