
As a registered user who has signed the Contributor Agreement, I want to search for members of a group.

jwflory opened this issue · 0 comments


If I am a registered user who has agreed to the project/account system legal agreement, I want to search for a specific person in a group.


There are various human/manual tasks where there is need to verify if a user or a group of users are members of a specific group. While one could open each individual username profile page, it would be easier to search from the group and try multiple regexes (especially if the exact username is not known).

For example, the Fedora Mindshare Committee receives a proposal to fund an event with six people attending as part of Fedora. We need to verify what kind of event the person is approved to do. One way we do this is searching the Fedora Ambassadors group (with hundreds of members) for whether the six requestors are members. It is an improved user experience when I can do this task from the same page without opening multiple pages for each user.

It is also important that the person has both signed the project/account system legal agreement and the Code of Conduct before accessing an enhanced and free search service of our contributor database.


The search bar should be prominent in the group membership view. It should also include some basic filters, e.g. members, sponsors, and admins. Even better if filters like date sponsored or date requested membership were included. The search bar should support a regex matching for users with matching usernames, emails, chat IDs, or real names.


A human/manual task can be done in fewer steps, and thereby reduce complexity for community members who verify group membership for batches of contributors.