
missing symlink /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml

raveit65 opened this issue · 3 comments

Can you please add a symlink /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml
which links to /usr/share/backgrounds/f32/default/f32.xml

ln -s /usr/share/backgrounds/f32/default/f32.xml /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml 

MATE desktop use a gsettings key to define the default fedora background.


As you can see because of the f32 in directory i have to update every release the gesetting key to match the new default background.
For this reason the mate-compiz f32 spin will use the f31 background, because we are in beta freeze.
So, adding a symlink /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml without a fedora release number would help me a lot. In result i don't have to edit the gsettings key every release.
I am sure that is helpful for other desktops too.

Thank you

Or even better,
ln -s /usr/share/backgrounds/f32/default/f32.xml /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/default.xml
because the fix is specificf or MATE in this case. Note the "mate" folder.

Thanks a lot.
Is it possible to build a new RPM for fedora with this fix, please?

The fix should be in place on the recent release. Closing.