
Simple, minimalistic and easy-to-maintain React.js project starter kit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple, minimalistic and easy-to-maintain React.js project starter kit


  • React.js v15
  • Redux
  • JavaScript ES2016
  • Webpack 2
  • Jest 20
  • Simple project structure
  • Additional helpful Bash scripts
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap


  1. yarn


  1. npm run start
  2. Open http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.


  1. npm run test


  1. npm run build

Project Structure

  • source - all source files.
    • js - all JavaScript files.
      • components - all React.js component files.
        • Application.js - React.js component that encapsulates the entire React.js application.
      • index.js - main React.js application file that renders Application.js component.
    • index.html - main HTML file.
  • docs - all build files.
    • js - all JavaScript files.
      • app.[hash].js - bundled (and minified) JavaScript file.
    • index.html - main HTML file.

Helpful Bash Scripts


Commits all changes in working directory and pushes them to GitHub.


Runs npm run build and ./commit-and-push-to-github.sh.

React.js Tutorials

Check React.Tips for React.js tutorials for beginners.


Artemij Fedosejev