'to_h' to 'to_s' ?
Opened this issue · 3 comments
amirsaeidy commented
hi , i just created planet.ini file and ran:
pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build
it says :
pluto/1.3.4 on Ruby 3.0.2 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
[info] db settings:
[info] {:adapter=>"sqlite3", :database=>"./planet.db"}
*** error: undefined method `to_h' for #<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations:0x000056132b4b1ce0 @configurations=[]>
Did you mean? to_s
geraldb commented
@amirsaeidy thanks for reporting. maybe there's a breaking change in activerecord gem. let me try to rereun/retry in the next days.
amirsaeidy commented
Hi, any update?
geraldb commented
sorry no update. thanks for the reminder. i am trying to learn more on how (best) to use activerecord with multi databases for a (stable) fix.