A FastApi/VueJS app for determining an easy and precise way for dividing a paper into an odd number, for making a grid. Based on RJLang's ReferenceFinder.
I decided to put everything in a single container for increased ease of use.
Currently, there is a docker container published! If you want to run the app, simply fire up docker:
docker run --publish 1312:80 --name dfinder --detach --restart always ghcr.io/feefladder/dfinder-app:main
) opens the port of the docker container. It maps 80->1312, so 1312 will be available--name
names the container, for easier reference.--detach
) detaches the container, similar to&
--restart always
makes sure the container always restarts. Handy in production. Also currently Dfinder uses static variables and crashes if concurrent calls are made. This is on the roadmap!
then open up a browser at http://localhost:1312
and use the app!
clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:feefladder/dfinder-app.git
cd dfinder-app
build the container:
docker build . --tag dfinder-latest
docker run --publish 1312:80 --name dfinder dfinder-latest
firefox http://localhost:1312/
This is useful so that you don't have to build a Docker container every time. Alternatively, you could also run the nginx server with normal settings... Make sure to change back when committing, or building a container:
uncomment in dfinder-app/dfinder-app/main.py:
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
origins = [
then run the uvicorn server on port 5000:
cd dfinder-app/dfinder-app/
poetry run uvicorn --port 5000 --root-path /api --reload main:app
change the following lines:
const API_BASE = ""
// const API_BASE = `${location.protocol}//${host}:${port}/api/`
then run the frontend application:
cd web
yarn serve
frontend will automatically update if you make changes.
Since dfinder is a github repo in pyproject, we have to manually remove and add it from poetry like so:
cd dfinder-app/dfinder-app/
poetry remove dfinder
poetry add git+https://github.com/feefladder/DFinder#main
Special thanks go to:
- Robert Lang for the algorithm
- Docat for the Docker setup
- Pybind11