
Undeclared confluence code in GTDocument

StephanEggermont opened this issue · 1 comments

That looks like it should be an extension method in https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4confluence

{ #category : #accessing }
GtDocument >> exportToConfluencePage: pageName inSpace: spaceName [
| credentials confluence pageId anXdFile aDocument attachments confluenceFile result attachmentsForDocument |
credentials := ConfluenceConnection setup.
confluence := Gt4ConfluenceAPI new
credentials: credentials.
pageId := confluence findIdOfPageWithTitle: pageName inSpaceWithKey: spaceName.
pageId ifNil: [ pageId := confluence createPageWithTitle: pageName withBody: '

' inSpaceWithKey: spaceName. ].

anXdFile := XdWriter new
	streamingStrategy: XdStreamingStrategy bytes;
	document: self;
	documentConfluence: self;
aDocument := anXdFile manifest documentOfType: XdConfluenceType.
attachmentsForDocument := anXdFile manifest attachmentsForDocument: aDocument.

confluenceFile := anXdFile streamingStrategy 
	detectFileReference: [ :eachFileReference | 
		eachFileReference basename = attachmentsForDocument first fileName ]
	ifFound: [ :aFileReference | aFileReference ] 
	ifNone: [ self error: 'File reference must be found' ].
result := confluence updatePageWithId: pageId withContent: confluenceFile contents.

attachments := (anXdFile streamingStrategy fileSystem / GtDocumentConstants exportedResultsDirectoryName) children.
confluence deleteAttachmentsForPageWithId: pageId.
attachments do: [ :anAttachment |
	confluence uploadFileFrom: anAttachment forPageWithId: pageId

result ifNil: [ self inform: 'Error exporting page' ] ifNotNil: [ self inform: 'Successfully exported page' ].


Move GtDocument>>#exportToConfluencePage:inSpace: to gt4confluence