
Fuse liquidity accelerator for friends of the Tribe.

Primary LanguageSolidityGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Fuse liquidity accelerator for friends of the Tribe.



  • boost: borrow fei and deposit it into an authorized vault
  • less: redeem fei from a deposited vault and repay fei loan
  • sweep: claim fei accrued as interest or other tokens laying idle in a safe
  • gib: impound the collateral of a safe (requires special auth from the master)
  • slurp: accrue fees earned on fei deposited in a vault and split them with the master

Getting Started

To fork the repo:

git clone https://github.com/fei-protocol/tribe-turbo.git
cd tribe-turbo

To deploy a fresh devnet Turbo environment:

first run hardhat devnet on another terminal window, make sure that allowUnlimitedContractSize: true and blockGasLimit: 300_000_000

in tribe turbo repo:

`sh scripts/setup.sh`

Account #0 should be funded with TRIBE and the turbo pool seeded with 10m FEI liquidity