
Ability to get all results without "Press key to continue..."

antonmos opened this issue · 5 comments

Ideally, detect when output is redirected to stdout and automatically pull all the pages.
provide an option to automatically pull all the pages.

Loving this so far! Thank you!

use this script I made

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set times 0;
while { $times < 300 } {
spawn ghs code Whateveryouwanttosearch
expect {
"Press key to continue..." { send "a"; exp_continue }
set times [ expr $times+1]

@antonmos good idea!

So I see a couple options:

  • detect if redirect is stdout, like you said. Do we check isTTY ? https://nodejs.org/api/tty.html#tty_readstream_istty I've not ever done this
  • change the --json flag so it pages through all the results and you can pipe that to jq or something. This would provide ultimate flexibility

With either one, you could potentially get rate limited and that might be hard to work around


You should be able to handle the rate limit responses, wait and try again. It will take some time to get a full response but that still better than having to intervene manually, imho.

kbakk commented

My workaround:

yes | ghs code -o myorg foo-bar 2>/dev/null

Only tested with a couple of result pages. Not very clean though...