Find an alternative to GitHub
Opened this issue · 4 comments
There is always a moment where it is time to move on. I feel today, regarding the latest development of GitHub, is such a moment.
The quest has now been opened: Find an alternative to GitHub to host this Mozilla addin project.
Possible new hosted solutions:
- Framagit: (by the France-based Free Software Company Framasoft:
- GitLab:
- KDE:
- GNU Savannah:
- ...
- Last choice: stay on GitHub
Please tell me platform you would like to work with in the future or suggest another alternative.
P.S.: I also would be interested in some kind of "meta coding platform" which would show an aggregate view of all repositories from multiple popular coding platforms (listing free ones first). One could search by project or author etc.
Why do you want to move?
I would wait if the acquisation of Microsoft will change anything. Probably they won't change anything.
But I'm open for something new as long as it is free and with the same features. I've used Bitbucket from time to time - so maybe that would be another option.
Also the start page of Bitbucket is advertising - how to migrate from Github to Bitbucket.
Due to the fact that GitHub's main server software is proprietary I never really had a good feeling about the platform. The acquisition was now the final impulse to change something.
I tried the GitLab instance hosted by Framasoft. There was an import feature which also imported all issues:
Please give it a try. I am interested in your feedback.
I don't know if this issue remains relevant, but we use gitLab here at work and we're very pleased with it's performance and features.
Hi JohenEffland. Thanks for bringing this up. I already ported the whole repository to here (see my last comment; it is a GitLab instance). It is a slightly outdated copy of this repository.
As for me, we could switch instantly which would mean: recreate the Framagit version to have the latest copy and then close everything here on Github except for some redirection hints.
But, the biggest part of the latest development work was done by AWolf81. During this work a switch would have been impractical. Now - after 6 months of inactivity on the codebase and nothing urgent on the horizon - it is probably a good time to switch over.
If there are no objections, I will do it until the end of the year.