
open local file on page startup

vmalien opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear Wolf,
I made for my compagny a script in an EDM witch open a local file on page startup. It doesn't work any more since firefox release 60.1., Your great addon allow it to work with a click on a link.
Can you add a feature to your addon, based on a whitelist of servers and scaning the header's page for something like:
to open the local file on startup without any user action ?

hi @vmalien:

Thanks for your feature request. I like the idea but executing something with-out user action is critical but it should be OK if it's a setting that must be configured.

I think it would be possible to add an option to open a page/file/app on browser start or should it only trigger the action based on the start page?
E.g browser starts and opens //your-server/index.html.
If //your-server is in the whitelist it will execute a command associated with the server (or if the window.open is possible it can be triggered from the page).

Just one point needs to be improved before it's possible to implement the feature. Configuration sharing during unattended installation, so it's possible to share settings of the extension. (I'll link the issue here later)

I'll check if window.open(...) with a whitelist would work. I'm not sure if I can trigger a host app message from a page script.

Best regards, Alex

Dear Alexander,
I wish you an happy new year.
do you expect to add in Options a 2nd white list with a title like "Enable file link addon on start of whitelisted pages URLs"? or do you expect to modify the existing one?
Here is a sample page.php:
< ? php $nom_fichier="file:///I:/a_folder/a_file.doc"; ? >

<script language=\"javascript\"> function ouvrir_en_local(){ window.open('$nom_fichier','courrier'); } </script> The file n° $nom_fichier will automatically be open.
If not, clic on open I hope it helps. I think trigger a host app message from a page script is not necessary, but I'm not sure to understand what you mean. Best regards, Vincent.

Hi @vmalien:
Thanks, I wish you also a Happy New Year.
Sorry, I haven't checked how to implement this. I'm pretty busy right now.

But I think I would add a checkbox option "Allow scripted file link execution" and keep the whitelist as it is. So if the option is checked it's possible to use "window.open" with JavaScript (still need to check if that's possible) and the whitelist can be used to allow file links on listed servers.

I don't like to add another whitelist as it's probably more confusing than the single option. It's also easier to implement.

What do you think? Is that OK?

Hi Alexander,
it's OK for me. I'd like to help but I don't know how creating a webextension.
I hope You will have spare time to check and implement it.