
Missing some imports and requirements

edvm opened this issue · 2 comments

edvm commented

What happened?

When I execute python manage.py runserver I got the following traceback:

  File "/home/edvm/Code/edvm/python/cookiecutter/frula/config/settings/base.py", line 48, in <module>
    'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
NameError: name 'os' is not defined

Also BASE_DIR is missing (same file). After defining (locally) this variables, i get: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'debug_toolbar'

I installed debug_toolbar with: pip install django-debug-toolbar, then django_extensions is misisng. I pip install django_extensions and finally get it working.

What should've happened instead?

It should execute runserver without errors.

pd: I didn't send a PR as this issues are really small, but if you want and consider its ok, i can send a pr :)

Steps to reproduce

1- Create a new virtualenv, activate it.

2- Install cookiecutter

3- Clone this repo, create a project with: cookiecutter django-crash-starter, set sqlite as DB

4- cd project_dir and: pip install -r requirements.txt, then execute: python manage.py runserver.

Thanks for identifying these problems! Checking it out now!

Thanks @edvm for spotting this one!