Development Assignment


You will be developing a React.js app called Eventio which allows registered users to sign up for and create events. The app has to contain 6 pages: Login, Sign Up, Events List, Event Detail, Create Event, User Profile


Commit all your changes to a dev branch. When you are ready to submit your assignment for a review, create a pull request from dev to master and in the right column select your mentor as a reviewer. You can find your mentor here.

You should create a pull-request everytime you're done with a particular stage of the project. Stages are following:

1st Stage

Goal: Prepare static pages and components based on graphic desgin

2nd Stage

Goal: Connect your components to Redux with dummy data

3rd Stage

Goal: Hook up your app to real API API and it's documentation will be revealed later

4th Stage

Goal: Test your components and do final touches


All assets are available on Google Drive.

How to start


npm run dev


npm run build