
Dynamic resizing of elements in a grid

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Hi everyone
I try to change the individual elements in the grid colSpan and rowSpan.
If the element being changed has the same height as the others - all is more or less normal:


Otherwise, the item simply disappears:


But if I add a new element to the grid, the missing item appears:


After change colSpan and rowSpan values, i call method notifyDataSetChanged() in the adapter.

Question - this is normal behavior and I do something wrong?

My code (Kotlin):
(GridDevicesView - My custom heir to the AsymmetricItem interface,
items: List = ArrayList())
asymGrid = mainView.findViewById(R.id.testAsymGrid) asymGrid.requestedHorizontalSpacing = AsymGridUtils.dpToPx(context, 2f) asymGrid.setRequestedColumnCount(3) asymGrid.isDebugging = true asymGrid.isAllowReordering = true asymGridAdapter = GridDevicesAdapter(context, items, asymGrid) // My custom heir of ArrayAdapter asymGridAdapter.add(GridDevicesView(GridTileSize(1/*rowSpan*/,1/*colSpan*/))) asymGridAdapter.add(GridDevicesView(GridTileSize(2,1))) asymGridAdapter.add(GridDevicesView(GridTileSize(2,1)))

After debugging the AsymmetricGridViewAdapter.getView(), I found that if the rowItems variable contains two or more elements of different heights, all elements that are smaller in height than the first one are simply discarded.