
Not working with custom Grid Adapters (baseadapter)

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nullpointer exception on grid view custom baseadapter @felipecsl

Me too. Not working with BaseAdapter.

I get NPE in QuickReturnAdapter getView() method. It's on this line:

v = wrappedAdapter.getView(position - numColumns, convertView, parent);

I'm also using BaseAdapter. Did anyone find solution for this issue ?

does any body have a solution for this?

As mentioned you need to wrap the adapter using:

// Wrap your adapter with QuickReturnAdapter
listView.setAdapter(new QuickReturnAdapter(adapter));

In my case I use custom adapter which extends BaseAdapter:

public class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

now you just need to wrap it using his method and it will look like this:

listView.setAdapter(new QuickReturnAdapter(new CustomAdapter(params)));

Okay I just make things short but I guess this will be understandable. The next thing you need to be concerned is the on item click listener. In my case I use a custom GridView which adds up a header view see https://github.com/liaohuqiu/android-GridViewWithHeaderAndFooter

I thik this will happen even on a normal Grid or ListView that it will return an incorrect index so I just added this line cause I assume this library manually adds a header view on your list:

content.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { 
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                if(position - (getResources().getInteger(R.integer.gallery) * 2)>=0) { //ensure that there will be no out of bounds exception
                    //library for the quick return seems to add it's own header but failed since it may gone missing when added with items.
                    //computation is now the positions minus the gallery size multiplied by 2 since it will just create two rows 1 for header 40dp and 1 for the quick return that has a 0dp

                    System.out.print(position - getResources().getInteger(R.integer.col_count));
Bad0 commented

Is there any solution ????