
quickReturnTarget overlaps listview if quickReturnTarget height is large

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It happens with the default height as well (the list starts with "Item 0")

screenshot_2014-06-16-00-03-01 1

I actually thought a lot about it and right now I'm not convinced this problem should be fixed by this library. There are several way you can workaround this problem, the easiest one being by adding a header view to your listView that has the same height as the target view, this way the first row would be pushed down and wouldn't be hidden behind the target view. If you have a better solution or think this should be fixed in the lib, please let me know, otherwise I'm closing this.

Well, it's not as easy to add headers to a GridView. Besides that, addHeaderView() adds new problems starting with KitKat :
"Starting with KITKAT, this method may be called at any time. If the ListView's adapter does not extend HeaderViewListAdapter, it will be wrapped with a supporting instance of WrapperListAdapter."

Personally, I think it would be great if the library could solve the problem. I am, however, open to trying workarounds (adding a header doesn't work for me).

@StelianMorariu agreed it doesn't work for GridView though. I'm open for discussing it as well.
One solution I'm thinking of doing is adding an extra item at the top of the view adapter with the same height as the target view. The problem is a gridview, then it should have X extra items, where X is the numColumns. I'll hack something out here today

Fix released on version 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT