
Getting error when building in AS: Unresolved reference: raw

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After following the build instructions I imported the ktnes project into Android Studio.

When attempting to run the app on my Pixel XL (running Android 9.0 Pie) I get the following error:

e: /Users/donturner/Code/workspace-android/ktnes/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/felipecsl/knes/app/MainActivity.kt: (148, 23): Unresolved reference: raw

Ah, I see this is a reference to a ROM file:

const val ROM = R.raw.legend_of_zelda

Might be worth updating the README with instructions on where to save your ROM file. i.e.


Also, are there any legal ROMs which could be used for testing?

Good point, I'll fix that, should really add a file picker so you can use whatever ROM file you want.
You can find some public domain NES ROMs here https://www.zophar.net/pdroms/nes.html

This is fixed