
Getting Started

  1. Download or Clone the project
  2. Use Xcode version 11.x
  3. Open the terminal and navigate to the directory of project cd Marvel-Swift
  4. Install the Carthage. How to install
  5. Install Dependencies with Carthage carthage update --platform ios
  6. Open the workspace open Marvel-Swift.xcodeproj

Running modules

The project was divided into 2 modules. The first is SDKMarvel, which is the entire data provider layer. Run the SDK first to build the framework. The second is the app itself, Marvel-Swift. After you build SDKMarvel, you can run Marvel-Swift.

SDKMarvel has documentation available in <PathProject>/docs/sdk/index.html. Documentation made with jazzy.


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5.1+

Unit Tests Coverage

  • SDKMarvel

    • 82,9%
  • Marvel-Swift (App)

    • 92,9 %