
Arduboy2::drawFastVLine causes TypeError

soxfox42 opened this issue · 7 comments

Whenever I use drawFastVLine in a sketch, an error appears in the Log tab: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'title' of undefined." The issue does not appear with drawFastHLine, or any other function I've tested.

Here is the code I used to test:

#include <Arduboy2.h>

Arduboy2 ab;

void setup() {
  ab.drawFastVLine(64, 0, 64, WHITE);

void loop() {

EDIT: It works fine using Arduboy2Base, but not Arduboy2

Confirmed and fixed in the online version.
Thanks for the report! :)

In the new Version 0.78 happened a similar issue with the drawRect function. Like the last issue it works fine using Arduboy2Base, but not Arduboy2.

Is this the offline version?


Odd. The web version shows version 0.8.10 for me. Try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page.

P. S. This appears to be the same issue, as drawRect uses drawFastVLine.

The bug wasn't introduced with new code, it has probably been around since before v0.7.8.
v0.7.8 hasn't been online for a while now. Are you using a really outdated fork?

Sorry for the inconvenience but the error went away as I just tested it again using Arduboy2. I don't know how the error occurred.Thanks for the help,