
Optional options need to be

kyle-long opened this issue · 5 comments

It appears that when using requireFlags and laxPlacement optional options are required to be grouped together still.

#!/usr/bin/env node
var args, help, neodocOptions;

help = `Usage:

    test.js -a -b [OPTIONS]


    -a  blah blah blah
    -b  blah blah blah
    -c  blah blah blah
    -d  blah blah blah
neodocOptions = {
    laxPlacement: true,
    requireFlags: true
args = require("neodoc").run(help, neodocOptions);

Here are some cases I ran against it.

$ ./test.js -c -a -b -d
test.js: unexpected option -d
$ ./test.js -c -a -d -b
test.js: expected -b, but got -d
$ ./test.js -a -c -b
$ ./test.js -d -c -a -b
$ ./test.js -a -b -c -d

According to the docs for laxPlacement it sounds like this should work. Advice?

It's a known, annoying behavior. It's actually caused by [options] expanding to an optional group of optional flags, in your case it would be: -a -b [-c d], which should really be -a -b -c -d.

I've got a patch lying around, originally written in response to #85 that fixes your issue. Will be published in minutes as 1.4.0.

I've added your testcases to the suite and they all pass now as of version 1.4.0

Wow that was quick. Thanks! Do you plan to publish to npm soon?

Should be published now

Got side tracked. Works great! Thanks so much