Why makeValueString has noArray option for multidimensional arrays?
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alexandruionascu commented
In rt.ts I'm noticing this option for transforming a variable into a string.
For arrays in 2D, 3D, etc. the returned value would be [[...], [...], [...]].
Is there any reason this line cannot be commented out?
I ran the tests again and I don't see any breaking changes.
This will help me to debug multi-dimensional arrays.
Thank you!
makeValueString(l: Variable | DummyVariable, options?: MakeValueStringOptions): string {
let display: string;
if (!options) { options = {}; }
if (this.isPrimitiveType(l)) {
if (this.isTypeEqualTo(l.t, this.charTypeLiteral)) {
display = "'" + String.fromCharCode(l.v as number) + "'";
} else if (this.isBoolType(l.t)) {
display = l.v !== 0 ? "true" : "false";
} else {
display = l.v.toString();
} else if (this.isPointerType(l)) {
if (this.isFunctionType(l.t)) {
display = "<function>";
} else if (this.isArrayType(l)) {
if (this.isTypeEqualTo(l.t.eleType, this.charTypeLiteral)) {
// string
display = "\"" + this.getStringFromCharArray(l) + "\"";
} else if (options.noArray) {
display = "[...]";
} else {
//options.noArray = true;
const displayList = [];
for (let i = l.v.position, end = l.v.target.length, asc = l.v.position <= end; asc ? i < end : i > end; asc ? i++ : i--) {
displayList.push(this.makeValueString(l.v.target[i], options));
display = "[" + displayList.join(",") + "]";