Infinite loops
pqm opened this issue · 2 comments
pqm commented
Is there a way to stop code that has infinite loops?
Maybe something like counting steps in, so if the number of steps is exceeded an error can be shown instead of freezing the browser, or the execution limit in which sets a limit # of execution nodes.
felixhao28 commented
It is very easy to add conditions here to stop the execution anytime you like.
like this:
startTime =
step =
break if step.done
break if - startTime > 5000
felixhao28 commented
Now that both "maxTimeout" option (to stop the program) and WebWorker support (to stop freezing the browser) is added, I think we can close it for now.
var helper = new JSCPP.WebWorkerHelper("./JSCPP.es5.min.js"); // it is a class
var output = "";`#include<stdio.h>
int main() {
while(true == true){
return 0;
}`, "", {
stdio: {
write: function(s) {
output += s;
maxTimeout: 5000
}, function (err, returnCode) {
if (err.message === "Time limit exceeded.") {
alert("Program did not finish in 5000ms, possiblely due to an infinite loop.");
} else if (err) {
alert("An error occurred: " + (err.message || err));
} else {
alert("Program exited with code " + returnCode);
helper.worker.terminate(); // directly control the Worker instance