
Crappy header-only C++20 options parser

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Crappy header-only C++20 options parser

It's a single header: Download it, copy it into your project, and then #include "ctopt.hpp".

What is this?

  • Single header file options parser
  • Parses GNU style argument syntax
  • Prints help-text in the old *NIX style format (a bit like docopt)
  • Requires C++20 (I like concepts, sorry C++17 folx)
  • MIT License


Once upon a time I found a super simple C++ options parser that I quite liked and wanted to use in more projects.
Unfortunately I had no idea what license it used and I was unable to locate the source of where I originally found it.

Is it actually crappy?

Probably. The name-space is ctopt because I wanted to make as much of it as compile-time as possible (compile-time options -> ctopt), without sacrificing simple usage syntax.

Unfortuately, C++ strings aren't quite there yet for compile-time work (as of this writing 2022-10-06), so I instead rushed ahead and wrote a load of crappy code just to get this finished.

Show me the examples

Simple verbose flag

This will work with both -v, --verbose, --verbose true, and --verbose=true arguments.

#include "ctopt.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using namespace ctopt;

  // Define options
  static constexpr auto get_opts = make_options(
    option('v', "verbose").help_text("Verbose output")

  // Parse program arguments
  const auto args = get_opts(argc, argv);
  if (!args) {
    const auto error_text = args.error_str();
    const auto help_text = get_opts.help_str();
    // ...

  const auto verbose = args.get<bool>("verbose");
  if (verbose) {
    // Print verbose output
    // ...

  // ...

List of integers

This works with the format --ints 1 2 3, --ints 4;5;6, and --ints=4;5;6.

#include "ctopt.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using namespace ctopt;

  static constexpr auto get_opts = make_options(
    option("ints").help_text("A list of integers").meta("numbers")
      .min(1) // Requires at least 1 value
      .separator(';') // Accepts `;` as a separator

  const auto args = get_opts(argc, argv);
  if (!args) {
    // Handle error/help stuff
    // ...

  const auto ints = args.get<std::list<int>>("ints");
  for (auto i : ints) {
    // Print the integer
    // ...

  // ...

Positional arguments

Positional arguments are any values that appear when not expecting an option value.

For example: --process=true my_file.txt --verbose true output.png both my_file.txt and output.png would be positional arguments.

#include "ctopt.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using namespace ctopt;

  static constexpr auto get_opts = make_options(); // Only expecting positional arguments

  const auto args = get_opts(argc, argv);

  for (auto str : args) {
    // Iterate the string arguments

  for (auto ii = 0u; ii < args.size(); ++ii) {
    // Iterate index style
    auto num = args.at<int>(ii);

  for (auto num : args.transform<int>()) {
    // Iterate each value as an integer
  // ...

Can I parse into my own type?

If you define a ctopt::from_string overload above the header:

struct my_type {
  std::string_view sv;

namespace ctopt {

  template <std::same_as<my_type> T>
  auto from_string(std::string_view sv) noexcept -> T {
    // Do some cool parsing thing here
    return my_type{sv};


#include "ctopt.hpp"

// Rest of program

Perhaps put your custom types and parsers into their own header and include them first.

This really is crappy...

I did warn you.

However, if you want to make improvements and fix stuff then absolutely go ahead.

PRs and contributions are more than welcome (hey, maybe together we can make this not-crappy).

I saw an Oxford comma in this README.md!

It's a habit I picked up from writing Minecraft Java Edition changelogs. Send your complaints to me on Twitter.