How to get all elements of the suggestions list as suggestion
Closed this issue · 3 comments
samkaraca commented
First of all, thank you very much for this library.
Just a little question.
How can i get all elements of the suggestions list as suggestion when the input text is empty (for example when first tap on the input area) ?
MauriPastorini commented
Same question here, did you resolve this? Does this library provide this feature?
msalinas1088 commented
Maybe adding a property to allow users to display all entries when the filter is empty
bool displaySuggestionsIfEmpty = false;
List<T> getSuggestions(List<T> suggestions, Comparator<T> sorter,
Filter<T> filter, int maxAmount, String query) {
if (query == "") {
return suggestions;
return [];
suggestions = suggestions.where((item) => filter(item, query)).toList();
if (suggestions.length > maxAmount) {
suggestions = suggestions.sublist(0, maxAmount);
return suggestions;
felixmccuaig commented
Something like this should work
itemFilter: (suggestion, input) { return || input == ""; }, minLength: 0,