
How to load and save full text after choosing suggestion + customizing suggestion list

qlssk8737 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a problem with overlaying the text after choosing suggestion. If I choose one, I can see the full text on the textfield. But if I press the save button(this.word), there's only what I typed not whole text. Doesn't textChanged keep state even after suggestion has selected? Here's my code below.

 textField = SimpleAutoCompleteTextField(
                              key: key,
                              onFocusChanged: (hasFocus) {},
                              suggestions: suggestions,
                              suggestionsAmount: 3,
                              controller: _controller,
                              textChanged: (text) {
                                setState(() {
                                  this.word = text;
                                  _controller.text = text;
                                  currentText = text;
                              style: TextStyle(...)

and also, I want to know how to customize suggestion list like color, shadow, etc. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know about it.

I have no idea what you're asking here.