
KDE build scripts to automate package creation and updates (Mirror)

Primary LanguageShell

Welcome to Pierre's simple and stupid scripts to semi-automate the maintaince
of KDE!

== Requirements ==
* devtools (these scripts use the chroots in /var/lib/archbuild/)
** to build packages for kde-unstable create the
   kde-unstable-{i686,x86_64}-build symlinks to archbuild
** also add the kde-unstablepkg symlink to commitpkg
* ssh access to nymeria.archlinux.org and depot.kde.org without user
* set sudo to allow running makechrootpkg without password
* set your SRCDEST and INTEGRITY_CHECK=('sha1') in makepkg.conf
* set your gpg-key in makepkg.conf

== Usage by file ==
* build-packages: run makechrootpkg for all packages and install those that are
  defined in kde-dep-packages.
** it will fail if a package from kde-dep-packages will fail. Other broken
   packages will be just skipped and shown at the end.
* checkout-packages: checkout the working tree from SVN.
* cleanup-packages: remove any logs, packages, signatures, src and pkg dirs
  from the working copy.
* commit-packages: commit all changes to the SVN branch. This does NOT release
  any package.
* config: set version, branch and if l10n packages should be build. Also a
  target repo can be set.
* create-l10n: this create a split PKGBUILD for the l10n packages. Remember to
  enable l10n in config.
* download-packages: download the sources from KDE server. If they are already
  downloaded just check integrity.
* install-packages: install all KDE packages from the build dir.
* move-packages: move packages between two repos.
* release-packages: run commitpkg. This actually commit, release and upload
  the packages.
* run-diffrepo: run the diffrepo script (avaiable on pkgbuild.com) to each
* run-namcap: run namcap on all packages and store the result to namcap.log.
* show-namcap: show namcap.log for all packages.
* sign-packages: add signatures files to the packages in the build dir.
* svndiff: displays all local changes for the SVN branch.
* syncrepo: used to sync kde-unstable from trunk.
* update-pkgbuids: updates pkgver to the one configured in config; resets
  pkgrel to 1. It also updates the checksum array.

== Sample workflow ==
* edit config to your needs
* run download-packages to get all sources
* run checkout-packages to get the abs working tree
* run update-pkgbuilds to update all PKGBUILDs
* optional edit PKGBUILDs (e.g. remove old patches etc.)
* build all packages for x86_64 using build-packages
** run again 'build-packages i686' to build i686 packages
* run run-namcap and have a look at the logs with show-namcap
* run sign-packages to add signatures files to the packages built on remote
  (e.g. on pkgbuild.com)
* run release-packages 'Upstream release' to upload and release all packages to
  the repo