Support for the latest Dropzone Clientside Image Resizing features?
Opened this issue · 6 comments
Thanks so much for creating this, working great..
I was wondering if support will be added for the latest dropzone features, such as clientside image resizing? (
Obviously the options "resizeWidth", "resizeHeight", etc do not currently work. Otherwise is there a possible mod I can make to get these features working? Cheers.
I'd love a pull request ❤️
According to dropzone's changelog there's no breaking changes between the version react-dropzone-component is using (4.3.0) and the last dropzone version (5.1.1) so technically just changing the dependencies version in package.json should do the work (haven't tested it yet).
Unfortunately image resizing doesn't work, as dropzone only resizes the image during upload. Is there any way to access the dropzone object from a function passed to the component?
Just want to share my workaround:
const componentConfig = {
iconFiletypes: ['.jpg', '.png', '.gif'],
showFiletypeIcon: true,
postUrl: 'no-url',
const djsConfig = {
addRemoveLinks: false,
acceptedFiles: "image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif",
autoProcessQueue: false,
process = (file) => {
this.dropzone.createThumbnail.bind(this.dropzone)(file, null, config.image.maxHeight, 'contain', false, (dataURL, canvas) => {
if (canvas !== null) {
// The image has been resized
dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(file.type, imageQuality);
this.props.processUpload(, dataURL);
this.dropzone._callbacks.success.forEach(func => func.bind(this.dropzone)(file));
this.dropzone._callbacks.complete.forEach(func => func.bind(this.dropzone)(file));
<DropzoneComponent config={componentConfig}
init: (dropzoneClass) => { this.dropzone = dropzoneClass },
addedfile: this.process,
djsConfig={djsConfig} />
As requested by @mukeshmandala: my image quality is 0.9 and the dataURL is converted in node.js to file via:
export const saveFileFromBuffer = (dataURL, savePath, callback) => {
const regexp = /^data:(.+)\/(.+);base64,/;
const data = dataURL.replace(regexp, "");
const buffer = new Buffer(data, "base64");
writeFile(savePath, buffer, callback);