React-Dropzone-Component error on gulp serve command
Opened this issue · 2 comments
meet2sujit commented
Hi ,
i have installed the React-Dropzone-Component using npm-install command.
after installation i am getting following error.
[ts] Module '"c:/Node/fileUpload/node_modules/react-dropzone-component/typescript/types"' has no default export.
heythisispaul commented
Hi @meet2sujit ,
I was having a similar issue. It's not a default export just standard export so you'll need to import it as import { DropzoneComponent } from 'react-dropzone-component'
and if you are using typescript be sure to install the types by running npm i @types/react-dropzone
as well.
AMEspino commented
May i know if the issue has been closed by doing @heythisispaul 's suggestion? I tried it with mine and still didn't resolve it.