
Command line utility for scraping YouTube comments.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

YouTube Comment Scraper

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide

Command line utility for scraping YouTube comments.

If you prefer a simple-to-use online solution, please go to http://ytcomments.klostermann.ca.


  1. Download and install Node.js (at least v6.11.4): https://nodejs.org/
  2. In a terminal window, type npm install -g youtube-comment-scraper-cli
  3. The program can be run from the command line with youtube-comment-scraper <VideoID>
  4. Read the rest of the docs or check out youtube-comment-scraper --help



$ youtube-comment-scraper [options] <VideoID>

Where's the VideoId?

It's part of the video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<VideoID>.


Video URL Video ID
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abc123def45 abc123def12
https://youtu.be/abc123def45 abc123def45


All command line options are optional (d'oh), except for the VideoID parameter.

Option Description
-f --format <format> output format (json or csv)
-o --outputFile <outputFile> write results to the given file
-d --stdout write results to stdout
-c --collapseReplies collapse replies and treat them the same as regular comments
-s --stream output comments one-at-a-time as they are being scraped
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information

Options explained


-f --format <format>

The comments can be formatted as either JSON or CSV data. Defaults to JSON if not specified.


youtube-comment-scraper -f csv <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --format json <VideoID>

Output File

-o --outputFile <outputFile>

The comments can be written directly to a file. In that case they will not be written to stdout (the terminal window). If you want both file and stdout output use the --stdout flag in addition to --outputFile.


youtube-comment-scraper -o ./path/to/some/file.json <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --outputFile some-file.csv --stdout --format csv <VideoID>


-d --stdout

By default comments are always written to stdout (even without the --stdout flag). However, when using --outputFile, they will only be written to the file. If you want output to both, use --stdout.


youtube-comment-scraper -d <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --outputFile ./some/file --stdout <VideoID>

Collapse Replies

-c --collapseReplies

By default replies to comments are kept nested under that comment. If --collapseReplies is set, replies will be treated the same as regular comments. An additional field is added to replies replyTo wich contains the ID of the comment to which a reply belongs.


youtube-comment-scraper -c <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --collapseReplies --format csv <VideoID>


-s --stream

By default the program will scrape all comments without outputting any of them until the scrape is complete. When the --stream flag is set, comments are written one at a time as soon as they are scraped, while still maintaining the original order of comments (newest first). This works for both the JSON and CSV format.


youtube-comment-scraper -s <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --stream --format csv <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --stream --format csv --outputFile some-file.csv <VideoID>

youtube-comment-scraper --stream <VideoID> > json-processing-tool


-V --version

Output the current version of the program.


youtube-comment-scraper -V

youtube-comment-scraper --version


-h --help

Output usage help.


youtube-comment-scraper -h

youtube-comment-scraper --help