
show all points at certain zoom level and above

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I am using below command to show all data points at zoom level=10. its working fine. I have noticed points are not disappearing even i zoom in further beyond 10 e.g: 12,13. Points are staying as is. This is what i wanted. i want to make sure whether this is expected behavior or not. Because it will avoid me to generate points for zoom level for 12 and 13 etc and save some pace in mbtiles .

tippecanoe -z10 -Z10 -f -o grid_26lacs_layers_time_z10.mbtiles -b0 -r1 -pk -pf /home/geos/data/input/grid_26lacs_layers_time_z10.csv

i used tippecanoe-decode command to verify points in zoom level 12 and 13. count shows 0. i am wondering whether its refresh issue of map or its expected behavior.

Even if you generate tiles only for zoom level 10 (as your command does), MapBox GL / MapLibre can still use the zoom level 10 tiles to show data for zoom levels 12, 13 etc. Vector tiles work like this.

You can use maxzoom in your style to hide the layer above a certain zoom level, see https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/layers/#maxzoom

Even if you generate tiles only for zoom level 10 (as your command does), MapBox GL / MapLibre can still use the zoom level 10 tiles to show data for zoom levels 12, 13 etc. Vector tiles work like this.

Thanks for reply. Even i wanted them to stay for above zoom levels as per my requirement. how about lower zoom levels will they stay or vanish? I am using deckGL to display

Mapbox / Maplibre won't try to load tiles if the minimum generated zoom level is, let's say, 10 and the zoom level in the map is 6. That would lead to situation that it needs to download a huge number of tiles of level 10 to fill the visible area in zoom level 6.

I am using below command to show all data points at zoom level=10. its working fine. I have noticed points are not disappearing even i zoom in further beyond 10 e.g: 12,13. Points are staying as is. This is what i wanted. i want to make sure whether this is expected behavior or not. Because it will avoid me to generate points for zoom level for 12 and 13 etc and save some pace in mbtiles .

tippecanoe -z10 -Z10 -f -o grid_26lacs_layers_time_z10.mbtiles -b0 -r1 -pk -pf /home/geos/data/input/grid_26lacs_layers_time_z10.csv

i used tippecanoe-decode command to verify points in zoom level 12 and 13. count shows 0. i am wondering whether its refresh issue of map or its expected behavior.

This is not working any more. when i zoom to higher level tiles are vanishing and also zooming to lower level tiles are vanishing.