
Printing a Colour gives a Numeric Prefix instead of Coloured Text

l0vern opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey there,

I'm trying to run the following line within my Py Project:

print(fg(141) + 'HWID Check Failed! Please reset your bound HWID and try again!' + fg.rs)

However, upon execution, the following is printed to my Console:

←[38;5;141mHWID Check Failed! Please reset your bound HWID and try again!←[39m

I've tried running this within Git Bash inside of VSC, as well as in Powershell, but cannot get it to work. Would anyone happen to know why?
If you need any other information just reply and I'll be more than happy to reply!

Kind Regards,

Hi, I think your problem might be related to: #2

Could you try with:

import os


print(fg(141) + 'HWID Check Failed! Please reset your bound HWID and try again!' + fg.rs)


Will give it a shot now!

Yeah have a feeling it is a Windows only bug -- just tried to recreate on Macbook and seems to work fine! Will attempt fix in morning!

Can confirm the fix does work! Thanks ever so much for your help!