
Source code for the NAACL 2021 paper: "Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Sentence Reconstruction and Knowledge Base Priors"

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

DSRE with Knowledge Base Priors

Source code for "Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Sentence Reconstruction and Knowledge Base Priors" in NAACL 2021


If you find this code useful and plan to use it, please cite the following paper =)

    title = "Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Sentence Reconstruction and Knowledge Base Priors",
    author = "Christopoulou, Fenia  and
      Miwa, Makoto  and
      Ananiadou, Sophia",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies",
    month = jun,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2021.naacl-main.2",
    pages = "11--26"



conda create -n dsre-vae python=3.7.3
conda activate dsre-vae
pip install -r requirements.txt

All models were trained on a single Nvidia v100 GPU.

Pretrained word embeddings

mkdir embeds
cd embeds 
wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip
unzip glove.6B.zip

Datasets & Pre-processing

Download and process the datasets as follows:

# Language Data
cd data/LANG/nyt10/
sh make_data.sh
cd ..
python preprocess.py --max_sent_len 50 --lowercase --max_bag_size 500 --path nyt10/ --dataset nyt10

cd data/LANG/nyt10_570k/
sh make_data.sh
cd ..
python preprocess.py --max_sent_len 50 --lowercase --max_bag_size 500 --path nyt10_570k/ --dataset nyt10_570k

cd data/LANG/wiki_distant/
sh make_data.sh
cd ..
python preprocess.py --max_sent_len 30 --lowercase --max_bag_size 500 --path wikidistant/ --dataset wiki_distant

# KB data
cd data/KB/
python make_data.py --data Freebase \
                    --train_file ../LANG/nyt10/nyt10_train.txt \
                    --val_file ../LANG/nyt10/nyt10_val.txt \
                    --test_file ../LANG/nyt10/nyt10_test.txt 
python make_data.py --data Wikidata \
                    --train_file ../LANG/wikidistant/wiki_distant_train.txt \
                    --val_file ../LANG/wikidistant/wiki_distant_val.txt \
                    --test_file ../LANG/wikidistant/wiki_distant_test.txt 


Training KB embeddings

In order to train Knowledge Base embeddings, we will use the DGL-KE package. The following script will train TransE entity and relation embeddings for Freebase and Wikidata.

cd data/KB
sh train_embeds.sh

Embeddings will be saved in the Freebase/ckpts_64/ and Wikidata/ckpts_64/ directories, respectively.

The Link Prediction algorithm will not produce the same embeddings each time. For reproducibility, we share the KB priors that we used in the paper. Download them from here and place each pairs_mu_64d.json file in the data/KB/appropriate_folder directories.

It is not necessary to run the following code, except if you want to collect priors for your own KB:

python calculate_priors.py --kg_embeds Freebase/ckpts_64/TransE_l2_Freebase_0/Freebase_TransE_l2_entity.npy \
                           --e_map Freebase/entities.tsv \
                           --data ../LANG/nyt10/nyt10_train.txt \
                           --kg Freebase

Training DSRE Models

Models can be trained in three modes: baseline, reconstruction only and reconstruction with KB priors.
At the end of training, the log file and PR curve points are saved in the saved_models directory.

cd src/
python main.py --config ../configs/nyt10_base.yaml --mode train   # baseline
python main.py --config ../configs/nyt10_reco.yaml --mode train   # N(0, 1) prior
python main.py --config ../configs/nyt10_prior.yaml --mode train  # N(mu, 1) prior

In order to just test a model, you can use the --mode test argument. The --mode infer mode (a) produces 20 random sentences from the latent code of the VAE, (b) produces a set of homotomies, (c) collects the μ vectors of sentences as produced by the VAE (which is necessary for plotting the space of the posteriors).


T-SNE plots can be obtained from running

cd src/helpers/
python plot_tsnes.py --priors ../../data/KB/Freebase/pairs_mu_64d.json \
                     --posteriors file_with_posteriors \
                     --dataset nyt10 \
                     --filename ../../data/LANG/nyt10/nyt10_val.txt \
                     --legend \
                     --split val

PR-curves can be download from here. Place the pr_curves/ directory inside dsre-vae/. Then run the following:

cd src/helpers/
python plot_pr.py --dataset nyt10