
Get token to use with websocket

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I miss something, I have only access to the token after login, if I refresh the page, I lost the access. The best practice is store this in a cookie? Thanks.

import Ember from 'ember';
import Route from 'ember-route';
import service from 'ember-service/inject';
import on from 'ember-evented/on';
import config from 'apollo-enterprise/config/environment';

export default Route.extend({
  store: service(),
  currentUser: service(),
  session: service(),
  cable: service(),

  setupConsumer: on('init', function() {
    let token = this.get('session.data.authenticated.jwt');
    let consumer = this.get('cable')

    let channelMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
      received(data) {

      channel: 'ChatroomsChannel'
    }, channelMixin);

  model(params) {
    return this.get('store').findRecord('chatroom', params.chatroom_id);

  setupController(controller) {

    controller.set('message', {});

  actions: {
    sendMessage(params) {
      let chatroom = this.controller.get('model');
      let message = this.get('store').createRecord('message', params);

      message.set('chatroom', chatroom);
      message.save().then(() => {
        this.controller.set('message', {});

I think this is more of a question for ember-simple-auth, since that package handles the storage.

You are likely by default using the Base storage?

There are other Storage types, one of which is cookie storage.

Thanks @alechirsch, yes, sorry for that.

I find this solution:

this.get('session.store').restore().then((data) => {
  let token = data.authenticated.jwt;
  let consumer = this.get('cable')

  let channelMixin = Mixin.create({
    received(data) {

    channel: 'ChatroomsChannel'
  }, channelMixin);