
Could not find module `fetch`

Uysim opened this issue · 10 comments

Uysim commented

It happen when I upgrade ember-cli to lastest verions

Could not find module `fetch` imported from `ember-simple-auth-token/authenticators/


ember-cli: 3.5.1
ember-cli-fastboot: 2.0.0
ember-simple-auth-token: 4.0.5

I see you are using fastboot, have you added node-fetch to your fastbootDependencies as described here?

Uysim commented

@fenichelar Yes I did

Uysim commented

I also try to import fetch from 'fetch' in my application model. It is fine

Can you provide an example application that demonstrates the issue? I'm not able to reproduce it.

@Uysim Thank you. I am able to reproduce the issue with that repo. However, I haven't been able to figure out the problem... @jpadilla Thoughts?

Uysim commented

I don't know whether it is relate to this https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-fetch#use-with-fastboot

Looks like it's related to

And going from the end of that second issue, install ember-fetch separately just using
ember install ember-fetch seems to make it work nicely.

Uysim commented

@gregorymark Yes I fixed it by to ember install ember-fetch. Thank you

Uysim commented
