
fetch is not defined - maybe your browser targets are not covering everything you need

BryanHunt opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm upgrading my applications to Ember 3.20 and I have run into this error:

fetch is not defined - maybe your browser targets are not covering everything you need

The root cause is the dependency to ember-fetch 6.7.2 in ember-simple-auth-token. The fix is to force the dependency to resolve to ember-fetch 8.0.2.

  "resolutions": {
    "ember-simple-auth-token/ember-fetch": "^8.0.2"

@BryanHunt In order to retain backwards compatibility, we can't force any specific version of ember-fetch. ember-simple-auth-token only supported ember-fetch v4, v5, and v6. By adding support for v8, this issue should be resolved.